Et luksusproblem ble et alvorlig problem for britiske The Ting Tings under Hovefestivalen, da publikum ble så gira at lydanlegget og gulvet holdt på å briste. Duoen, som med andre ord har blitt veldig populære i Norge, måtte gå av scenen etter kun fire låter, noe de naturligvis syns var skrekkelig leit.
Som om ikke det var nok, dukket det et annet problem opp allerede på sang nummer to. Et problem av det mer dustete slaget: Røykmaskinen nektet å stoppe, og gjorde at ingen så noe som helst.
Telefonvideoopptak av scenen med den altfor ivrige røykmaskinen:
På sitt nettsted skrev The Ting Tings følgende om episoden i Norge:
«We hope we can make it back their asap to finish our performance.
Also, can you BELIEVE the smoke machine in the second song? It was pure spinal tap.
We could not see a thing for the entire song, and we hear that you could not see us. I actually had to go
play my guitar at the side of the stage to get out the smoke. Not that any of you noticed cause
you couldn’t see me anyway. But it was very funny. If anybody has photos could you send
us one as we want it as photographic evidence to show our friends».
Also, can you BELIEVE the smoke machine in the second song? It was pure spinal tap.
We could not see a thing for the entire song, and we hear that you could not see us. I actually had to go
play my guitar at the side of the stage to get out the smoke. Not that any of you noticed cause
you couldn’t see me anyway. But it was very funny. If anybody has photos could you send
us one as we want it as photographic evidence to show our friends».
Her er en låt vi ikke fikk i se på Hove, men som pumpes på norsk radio, med P3 i spissen: «That’s Not My Name» fra Glastonbury-festivalen:
Sony BMG Norge sier til 730 at de skal gjøre alt de kan for å få Jules De Martino og Katie White tilbake i landet.