Den største overraskelsen her er kanskje at animasjonsserien Arthur fortstatt lager nye episoder.
Serien, som også har vært populær i Norge, er nå inne i sin 22. sesong.
I sesongens første avsnitt er Arthur og gjengen gjester i et bryllup.
Brudgommene er Arthurs lærer Mr. Nigel Ratburn, og en kjekkas som heter Patrick.
Elevene er overrasket, men bare fordi kvinnen de trodde var bruden viser seg å være Mr Ratburns sassy søster Patty.
Ellers er de mest opptatt av kake – og at voksne ikke skal tro at de kan danse.
Se kjut snutt fra den ferske episoden:
Den kanadisk-amerikanske serien har holdt koken siden 1996. Historien er basert på barnebøker skrevet og illustrert av forfatter Marc Brown.
Tidligere episoder tatt opp temaer som dysleksi, diabetes, kreft og autisme.
Arthur er USAs lengstlevende animerte serie etter The Simpsons. Showet har fått grønt lys til (minst) tre nye sesonger etter den som sendes nå.
Twitter-brukere reagerer med ekstase (og humor, selvsagt) etter episoden.
gay people who grew up with Arthur: haha mr. ratburn is gay
mr. ratburn: (is actually gay)
the gay people:
— ryan duckling (@kaiklapollo) May 13, 2019
animation twitter is losing it over the fact that arthur made mr ratburn gay but no one is talking about his clearly queer sister
— Goth Ms. Frizzle (@spookperson) May 13, 2019
Ok but are we forgetting about the importance of showing that an elementary teacher can be gay & its completely normal & it doesn't make you a predator & they can have normal lives & relationships because thats very important in our time rn #MrRatburn #Arthur
— M. T. (@Molly_T01) May 14, 2019
i think the best thing about this is that. mr. ratburn is like, an actual character on the show. this isn't just a one-off gay couple introduced so they could have this episode, which'd still be neat, albeit less-so. this is an actual, established character.
— 🦑 it's jasmine!! 🐙 (@wayslidecool) May 13, 2019
James Charles may be canceled, but there's a new gay icon in town: Mr. Ratburn.
— Tor Haugan (@Tor_H) May 13, 2019
It turns out Arthur is more courageous and explicit than Avengers: Endgame when it comes to LGBTQ2 lives and storylines. Congrats Mr. Ratburn! Your move, Marvel….
— Rachel Giese (@rachelagiese) May 13, 2019
This episode was wild too, Arthur and his friends thought he was marrying this pushy woman and tried to break them up only to find out the lady was his sister and Mr. Ratburn was marrying the guy from the chocolate shop they went to earlier in the episode
— Christi Trottie (@ChristiTrottie) May 13, 2019
“I hope love wins out”
I love Mr & Mr Ratburn #arthur #PBSKIDS— Sol 💗 (@transkonel) May 14, 2019
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